rd_pin.gif (1016 bytes) The financial means of the organization are based on individual contributions. All members of the organization work on voluntary basis. Only the immediate expenses of the expeditions are paid.

yl_pin.gif (1016 bytes) Prof. Vazgen Barseghian of Troy, New York, has provided his moral and financial support from 1970 through 1980. He has encouraged the scientific expeditions throughout those years. The result of these expeditions were compiled in seven volume microfiche albums.

rd_pin.gif (1016 bytes) Since 1980, a group of fifteen dedicated individuals from the Armenian community of Iran, who were familiar with the activities of Dr. Armen Haghnazarian, and shared the goals of RAA, provided their financial support, which made the expeditions to Western Armenia possible. Dr. Armen Haghnazarian, however, has been the major contributor of RAA, thus far contributing over $500,000. In order to catty out its future programs successfully, RAA will depend heavily on private and public contributions.

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